Important things to know before you come by.
Live Scan fingerprinting is an ink-less, electronic means of capturing fingerprints in a digitized format.
Your fingerprints and personal information are then printed onto a fingerprint card. The Live Scan process takes about 10-15 minutes and you walk out with your fingerprint cards in hand. |
Have any questions about getting your fingerprints?
What is Live Scan?Live Scan fingerprinting is the process of capturing fingerprints electronically with our advanced Live Scan machine. With Live Scan fingerprinting, there is no ink involved. Your fingerprints are “rolled” across a glass plate and scanned. It is faster, cleaner and more accurate than the old ink and roll method.
What does "Electronically Transmitted" mean?Some state and federal agencies require your fingerprints be submitted electronically and will not accept fingerprint cards.
Partnership ID Solutions does not transmit fingerprints at this time. |
What are "Inked Fingerprints"?You roll your fingertips in printer's ink to cover the entire fingerprint area. Then, each finger is rolled onto prepared cards from one side of the fingernail to the other. These are called rolled fingerprints. Finally, all fingers of each hand are placed down on the bottom of the card at a 45-degree angle to produce a set of plain (or flat) impressions. These are used to verify the accuracy of the rolled impressions.
How many cards do I need?The number of cards needed to accomplish your goal will vary based on the purpose for which you are being fingerprinted, or by the folks requesting your fingerprints.
We recommend contacting your requester to determine the number of cards you need. |
Should I avoid rolled ink fingerprints?Not necessarily. Inked fingerprinting has been around for centuries. Many local, state and federal entities still rely on this method today.
You can depend on Partnership ID Solutions to make this otherwise tedious process nearly effortless. We will have you in and out in under 30 minutes. Facilities are just a few steps away so that you can easily remove the ink from your hands. |
What are the benefits of Live Scan?The Live Scan process helps in avoiding many of the problems associated with ink prints, such as smudging, smearing, and over or under inking.
Accuracy is the key advantage to using the Live Scan method. The Live Scan system evaluates every scan to ensure that it meets or exceeds the tough standards set forth by the FBI and Department of Justice. |
What do I need to bring?A valid State or Government photo ID.
Such as a State Issued Driver's License or Identification Card, Military ID, Passport, Passport Identification Card or TWIC Card. If you're not sure give us a call. |
Should I bring a fingerprint card?If you were supplied with a fingerprint card we can most likely print on it.
We mostly see FD-258 and SF-87 fingerprint cards. If you're not sure give us a call. |
Do I fill out the card?NO.
Your information is printed onto your card at the conclusion of your fingerprinting session. |